The masculine in each of us begins working for greater freedom and tries to achieve it through financial, creative, or political success. The feminine in each of us starts longing for deeper love and tries to find it in intimate relationship, family, or friends. In any moment you close, then you begin to yearn for the boundless freedom of open love. You can open to be lived by love with no limits, so you are alive as love, offering the deepest gifts of your heart spontaneously and without hesitation, in every moment, at work, with your family and friends, as well as in bed with your lover. How do you navigate the deep waters of sex? How do you untie the knots that bind your heart? By understanding the spiritual source of their deepest sexual yearnings, and by skillfully unknotting the tensions that limit their spontaneous loving, these men and women have learned to open ecstatically to be lived as the passionate mystery of love's two-bodied divine play. Sex can offer an openness that washes your heart wide to God, and yet sex is also where your tightest fears can hold you back. The waves of deep sex can drench you open as an ocean of sacred loving but just as likely, you can find yourself stranded in pain and loneliness. For many people, in fact, sex becomes a secret search for an openness of ecstatic love they know is possible but rarely feel. Deep sex can be a revelation of profound love-bliss,' a passionate and divine knowledge, in every cell, that you and your lover are alive as unbounded love-light. During the deepest sexual loving, you can feel so open, so full of light, so free of bounds, that you gasp, "Oh God!" and mean it. Depending on how you do it, sex can be a sacred ravishment or a total flop.

Or, sex can feel like a hastily stubbed toe. Sex can be a way for you and your lover to open your hearts, surrender your bodies, and flow with overwhelming love.

1 Finding God through Sex - David Deida Sex can be the most delicious or dissatisfying part of your life.